Wednesday, January 19, 2011

US dollar - Chinese president: It's time to dump the dollar

US dollar - Chinese president: It's time to dump the dollar

Friday, January 14, 2011

Federal Reserve Leveraged Like Crazy, One Interest Rate Rise From Bankruptcy

The Federal Reserve is above the same laws and regulations it imposes on other banks. The article includes a video from CNBC with former FED Atlanta president Ford that you really need to pay attention to. This is not just high finance, Wall Street stuff. It will have incredible affects on every American and their lifestyle!

Federal Reserve Leveraged Like Crazy, One Interest Rate Rise From Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy - Why America is guaranteed to go bankrupt

Bankruptcy - Why America is guaranteed to go bankrupt

The Cult of Sanctified Violence by William Norman Grigg

The Cult of Sanctified Violence by William Norman Grigg

Are the Days of the First Amendment Numbered?